![]() The Village Crossing on the Green
Address Phone: 315-853-5299 E-mail: thevillagecrossing@verizon.net Hours: Tuesday - Saturday, 11AM-5PM and later on Thursday Open Mondays 11AM-5PM from Spring to December 31 (extended hours during the Holiday Season) WHO WE AREWe are a small women's clothing boutique located across from the Village Green in the historic Village of Clinton. We strive to bring unique, stylish and yet affordable clothing and accessories to women of all ages. We are committed to providing our customers to personal service with a smile--something that's lost in many of today's big box stores. Stop in and visit us. LINES WE CARRYIn order to provide a unique variety of clothing and accessories this list is always changing. We are especially interested in providing items MADE IN THE USA!!! CLOTHINGMade in the USA:
Other clothing companies:
*** artist made jewelry by:
![]() West Park Row in 1857 before the fire of 1872.